The Q Zone


Welcome to The Q Zone

Feel Free to Skim through our file systems for your needs

 Exit  Dataport  Implants  Errors  Input

This is the Q zone.

Brace yourself for the ride of your life.
As you walk into a silver chassis cluttered with modem stacks, I/O ports and hubs, you are greeted by The Q zone’s concierge.

“Hi, I am Bob. Welcome to the Q zone,” he says.

Hesitantly, you shake his three fingered hand.
“Feels like dead fish,” you think in your head.
“Aah, a
first timer or have you been here before?” Bob asks.

Hi! I'm Bob!


The Q zones

Dataports : Connect onto one of our Dataports and download all the information you need. Binaries and Hexadecimals are the servings of the day.


Implants : Unhappy with the way you look, the way you feel, the way you work? Sift through our Implant Catalogues and you will find what you need to “better” yourself.


Errors : What were these people thinking?! Feast yourself on the refuse of cyberspace. The Q zone brings you the worst waste of webspace in a click of a mousebutton.


Input : Share your thoughts with the Q zone.


First Time at the Q zone?

The Q zone is a myriad of information portals where you can explore various realms of cyberspace.  We cater to the data hungry in us. Explorers and cyberpunks alike have bled through the corridors of the Q zone and found their own perceptions of heaven.  Be the next to find the answers you have so painfully searched for all your life.  Let the Q zone bring the universe to you.

[Exit] [Dataport] [Implants] [Errors] [Input]
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NetNerds Networks 1997